Not to rush the seasons, but the flu season is approaching again. Before that happens, I would like to get an early jump on helping my followers make the best decisions about their health.
I have been watching an amazing interview with Dr. Mercola and Barbara Loe Fisher, founder of the National Vaccine Information Center.
The most shocking and enlightening comment in this fantastic interview, was this.
Products containing mercury, like any vaccine containing Thirmesol, CANNOT BE DISPOSED OF in a regular manner as they are considered HAZARDOUS WASTE! And yet we are encouraged to have them injected into our bodies?
Please watch the video at
I also wanted to point out this comment from Dr. Mercola on the vaccines effectiveness on the elderly, one of the main targets for these vaccines:
I also wanted to point out this comment from Dr. Mercola on the vaccines effectiveness on the elderly, one of the main targets for these vaccines:
Flu Vaccine Does Not Prevent Death in Elderly, CDC Director Admits
Clearly, what the pharmaceutical industry would love for you to believe is that the flu vaccine is going to somehow magically protect you from dying from the flu, when in fact the evidence couldn't be more clear -- It doesn't work at all in the elderly! And the data is flimsy at best when it comes to children and adults.
In fact, in April, Michael Osterholm, director of the national Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy (CIDRAP), publicly admitted that flu shots don't work in the elderly.
We also know the flu vaccine is fraught with side effects and health complications, so many people are literally receiving zero benefit and all risk when getting this vaccine! ~ Dr. Mercola, MD
Educate you and your family before making your flu vaccine decisions this fall. I trust you to make the best decision for you, but I just want to make sure you see all sides of this story.
To a healthy season, now and in the future!
Kristi Shmyr
Prana Holistic