Monday, May 3, 2010

Post 30-Day Sugar Cleanse Success!

So...the 30-day sugar cleanse that Kristi and I embarked upon was completed a couple days ago. Results? I can only speak for myself, and this was my experience:

Cravings were pretty strong at times, though at other times, I found myself perfectly content avoiding baked goods like scones and muffins and heading to the produce department for some fresh fruit.

Previous to our 30 sugar-free days starting, I was quite aware that I wasn't eating very much. My appetite had become - sometimes alarmingly - small. I am a strong-bodied, active woman who has always had a hearty appetite, so this not being the case is something that stands out for me. One of the most noticeable and perhaps enjoyable results that I experienced while on the sugar cleanse was my increase in appetite. I found myself hungry quite regularly, surely due to the fact that I wasn't, at any time in my days, filling up on the empty calories typical of refined goods like baked things, breads and sugary treats. I craved protein more than anything, and being that protein nourishes my brain quite nicely while refined goods make me feel foggy, I was nicely focused and able to proceed with my days more efficiently and with a lighter physical feeling.

Kristi & I had spoken quite early on in the process about my having a day of grace seeing as my birthday fell right at the end of our 30 days, but before we were finished. I thought I might not need or want that day of grace, but birthday cake is, after all, not something to be missed out on, specifically when it's your own birthday cake. So I ate the birthday cake: a delicious triple chocolate layer cake. Surely based on the fact that I hadn't had processed sugar or white flour like that in quite some time, any piece of said cake might have been too big of a piece. Let me tell you: if you didn't know me, you might have thought I was pregnant!

I was pregnant with a cake baby! 

My belly was SO bloated, and there was nothing I could do to hold it in! Further, after my guests left, I felt strange and was unable to sleep for a while. When I did get to sleep, it was restless and anything but rejuvenating. In the morning I felt dull and was incredibly gassy. Yikes! Was it worth it? Hmmm...good question. A momentary sense of taste pleasure in exchange for an ongoing feeling of discomfort. In the big scheme of things, I'd say that no, it wasn't worth it.

My hope for the post 30-day sugar cleanse is that I will avoid 'falling off the wagon' and habitually indulging myself in refined goods only to forget the clear-headed, light feeling that accompanies eliminating these things from the diet. Eating something that contains sugar once a week is a fine and acceptable indulgence in my mind, and it doesn't always have to be cake or cookies. What about fruit flavoured yogurt instead of plain or a piece of whole grain toast with almond butter and apricot jam? Sounds like a much more sensible indulgence in my world.

I want to maintain the healthy feeling imparted to me by cutting out sugar - if you haven't ever tried it, I encourage you to do so. 

You won't regret it and I challenge you not to notice positive results.

Roberta Shepherd,
Prana Holistic


  1. Did you include honey? What did you eliminate?

  2. Hey Sheri - we eliminated all form of sugar except 3 servings of fruit. I personally tried to stick to berries, apples and green bananas for my fruit because of the sugar content and the amount of fiber (fiber mitigates the sugar release).
