Rescue Remedy is Edward Bach’s answer to acute times of trauma and stress. Edward Bach was the founder of the practice of flower essences. He spent lots of time with nature, figuring out what each flower and their ‘essences’ (ie: energetic contributions) lend to the human spirit and it’s many ails. Rescue Remedy, in particular, is something you may have noticed on the shelf at a health food store and maybe, you wondered what it was all about. Well, it’s a combination of 5 flower essences, each lending supportive qualities to moments of acute stress and trauma. Without delving into the components of each flower within the combo, let me just list times when the use of Rescue Remedy would be most appropriate:
- when experiencing intense nerves before a public speaking engagement, heavy exam or difficult conversation
- before attending a funeral or other emotional event
- in the wake of a traumatic accident or a loss
- to help adjust when moving, changing jobs or shifting a primary relationship
- to put in your plant’s soil or in your pet’s water when moving or integrating change (to help them adjust)
- as a parent, when losing patience or finding yourself ‘on edge’
- in the midst of an intense emotional reaction due to specific events or that seems to have no rhyme or reason
Roberta Shepherd for Prana Holistic
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