Saturday, April 24, 2010

Can you Boil Water on my Body?

Did you know your body gives off enough heat in 30 minutes to bring half a gallon of water to a boil?

Tell that to my feet!

If you have circulation issues, here are some suggestions:

1. Take cayenne pepper capsules, or eat actual hot peppers. It helps with your circulation.

2. Exercise. The more muscle you have, the higher your metabolism (your internal furnace) and better your circulation.

3. Eat some fat! Believe it or not, you NEED healthy fat in your diet. Eat some so your hormones are nice and balanced and metabolism is revving.

4. Take deep breaths. Oxygenated blood circulates better and will help eliminate cold spots.

5. Infrared Sauna - the best heat on a cold, dreary day, like today! Get unlimited sauna sessions for a month for only $69 at Prana Holistic (call 780.454.5299 if your interested!)

6. Get your thyroid checked - cold hands and feet are a common indicator of a problem. Ask your doctor to check your levels of thyroid hormone regularly, and even if they are "within the normal range" but low, take a supplement to boost them. I love Lorna VandeHaeghe's Thyrosense.

No more cold feet!


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