Friday, April 30, 2010

Rescue Remedy: An Acute Saviour in Times of Need

Rescue Remedy is Edward Bach’s answer to acute times of trauma and stress. Edward Bach was the founder of the practice of flower essences. He spent lots of time with nature, figuring out what each flower and their ‘essences’ (ie: energetic contributions) lend to the human spirit and it’s many ails. Rescue Remedy, in particular, is something you may have noticed on the shelf at a health food store and maybe, you wondered what it was all about. Well, it’s a combination of 5 flower essences, each lending supportive qualities to moments of acute stress and trauma. Without delving into the components of each flower within the combo, let me just list times when the use of Rescue Remedy would be most appropriate:

- when experiencing intense nerves before a public speaking engagement, heavy exam or difficult conversation

- before attending a funeral or other emotional event

- in the wake of a traumatic accident or a loss

- to help adjust when moving, changing jobs or shifting a primary relationship

- to put in your plant’s soil or in your pet’s water when moving or integrating change (to help them adjust)

- as a parent, when losing patience or finding yourself ‘on edge’

- in the midst of an intense emotional reaction due to specific events or that seems to have no rhyme or reason

Rescue Remedy should be taken as follows for any of the above noted reasons: put 6 drops under your tongue and allow the drops to linger there while closing your eyes and taking 3 deep breaths in order that the essence integrates effectively into your being. The Flower Essence Society also produces an equivalent to Rescue Remedy called 5-Flower-Formula. Both are formidable to have on hand in times of acute need. I suggest carrying one of either of these around with you in your bag or car as well as keeping one at home. Try it…and let me know what you think.

Roberta Shepherd for Prana Holistic

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Can you Boil Water on my Body?

Did you know your body gives off enough heat in 30 minutes to bring half a gallon of water to a boil?

Tell that to my feet!

If you have circulation issues, here are some suggestions:

1. Take cayenne pepper capsules, or eat actual hot peppers. It helps with your circulation.

2. Exercise. The more muscle you have, the higher your metabolism (your internal furnace) and better your circulation.

3. Eat some fat! Believe it or not, you NEED healthy fat in your diet. Eat some so your hormones are nice and balanced and metabolism is revving.

4. Take deep breaths. Oxygenated blood circulates better and will help eliminate cold spots.

5. Infrared Sauna - the best heat on a cold, dreary day, like today! Get unlimited sauna sessions for a month for only $69 at Prana Holistic (call 780.454.5299 if your interested!)

6. Get your thyroid checked - cold hands and feet are a common indicator of a problem. Ask your doctor to check your levels of thyroid hormone regularly, and even if they are "within the normal range" but low, take a supplement to boost them. I love Lorna VandeHaeghe's Thyrosense.

No more cold feet!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Sugar is to nutrition as Tiger Woods is to commitment

(Hmmm...I am not entirely sure that analogy is sound, but you get the idea!)

Sugar. It holds such a key spot in our hearts and our society. Chocolates at Valentine's Day, candy at Halloween, and that striped emblem of Christmas, the candy cane - sugar is everywhere. It's in your salad dressings, on your fries, and (chances are) its in most of what you will eat. 

We KNOW sugar is all but a biohazard when it comes to our health. It depresses our immune system. It raises tryglycerides and increases weight gain, diabetes and metabolic disorders. It aggravates asthma, arthritis and gallstones. It can destroy your kidneys and increase your risk of infection. Yet we are eating eat at a record rate - in the last 20 years, our consumption in North America has risen from 26 to 135 pounds of sugar per person per year!!!!

That's like eating a whole human made of sugar!

Not shockingly, the rate of heart disease and cancer seems to be somewhat correlated with the rise in dietary sugar.

So my intrepid friend and colleague, Roberta, and I are setting out on a little experiment.
How would 30 day sugar free days feel?
What do I expect? Well, its only 3 days in - cravings are strong. But after 30 days, I expect energy and focus to be more sustainable, and my mood to be more stable. I suspect everyone would embrace those changes for me!

So what are our rules?

  1. No baked goods
  2. No juice of any kind, fresh or not
  3. maximum 3 servings fruit a day, focusing on berries and apples.
  4. No sauces or dressings with sugar
  5. no chocolate or candy (obviously)
  6. No yogurt, except plain.
  7. Just no sugar!
I'll let you know how it goes!
Kristi Shmyr
Prana Holistic