Thursday, April 14, 2011

The blues are anything but colourful.

Van Gogh may have made it look beautiful, but depression is anything but. That feeling of despair, apathy, and lethargy weighs on your soul, and your shoulders, like a stone.

There are many theories on depression. One researcher once guessed that the problem could be a brain chemistry imbalance, but this has NEVER BEEN PROVEN. Even if you look on the labels of psycho-pharmaceuticals (drugs meant to change mood or mental state), they readily state the mechanism of action (how the drug affects your body) is "unknown". Yet drug prescriptions and psychiatry are now inextricably bound.

The problem is, these drugs have no proven efficacy  - raw data, even from studies commissioned by drug companies, almost always show a success rate no better than the Placebo Effect (i.e. Prozac is as effective as a sugar pill, or a tic tac, essentially, at relieving depression). Moreover, they have powerfully destructive side effects, including increased DEPRESSION and suicidal ideation! While the general population has a suicide rate that is less than your chance of being struck by lightening, those taking anti-depressants may be at a HIGHER risk. In the US army, for instance, there was a 76% increase in spending on psycho-pharmaceuticals from 2001-2009, and a corresponding 150% increase in the suicide rate.

One of the most interesting cases was the State of New York v. GlaxoSmithKline. By subpoenaing the raw data the drug manufacturer had manipulated to get FDA approval, the courts learned that, in the study where the manufacturer claimed that Paxil was safe and effective to use on kids, the kids on Paxil were actually
6x more likely to have suicidal thoughts. In addition, the raw data also showed that Paxil actually is no more effective at treating depression than placebo. 11 of the 93 kids in the study had serious side effects; 7 experienced such severe side effects they were hospitalized. Yet this information was omitted from the study submitted to the FDA for approval. The head psychiatrist who "authored" this study pocketed nearly $1 million dollars from various drug companies for lending his name to their marketing cause.

I say "marketing cause" because that is what the field of psychiatry has largely become - a drug marketing machine. They are using "suicide screenings" in schools on our kids now - 9/10 of the survey takers in one school were put on medications after this completely arbitrary and subjective checklist. There has even been the invention of new mental "diseases" that were actually created by drug companies (remember the ads about Social Anxiety Disorder that were everywhere a few years ago? That "diagnoses" was the brain child of a drug company, GlaxoSmithKline.) They have become so arrogant that they are actually just creating new diseases for us to be afraid of, and for them to profit from. And profit they do - the drug companies profit more than all of the other companies on Forbes 500 COMBINED! But I digress...

You have probably also seen in the news lately the possible connection of anti-depressants to cancer rates. The devastating array of problems these drugs cause long-term is only now beginning to be seen.

So, my point is this: drugs do not help depression generally, and where they do, the side effects and ensuing dependency negates any positive.

However, there is much evidence that underlying nutrition, digestive and hormonal imbalances, imbalances that can be actually objectively measured, are actually the root of depression. Emotional traumas are also involved, but these traumas are only masked by the taking of these dangerous and toxic drugs, not resolved.

If you want to resolve depression naturally, without the dangerous side effects and the total lack of effectiveness, we are happy to help. We have a package of services that WILL help to balance underlying physiological problems and help to relieve mental and emotional stress that are causing depression, WITHOUT the cancer, diabetes, or onset of suicidal thoughts. If you are interested, please email for more information.
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