I just got back from a retreat in Scottsdale, Arizona. I jumped BIG the last quarter of 2010 and landed in a year-long mastermind/mentorship program, investing MANY thousands of dollars in ME and my big dreams. This retreat was the first of a year of pushing my expectations of myself and the number of people I can serve beyond what is comfortable into the realm of transformational, where I love to be.
While there, I was discussing my program, Goal Ninjas, in a small mastermind within the larger group. The group began to discuss the name: Goal Ninjas. Because I primarily work with women, it was suggested that I should change the name as
"women do not identify with being the warrior; they long, instead, to be the princess, and to be rescued".
I was shocked and, to be honest, offended by this idea. Is this really what women deeply, at their essence, want?
I sure hope not.
My whole life I have prided myself on being tough, resilient, motivated, and independent. I am fiercely passionate about creating the life I want. Yes, I have had issues with being rescued by my family, as the "baby", but there is nothing I long for more than to be successful, on my own terms and in my own right and by my own definitions. The thought of waiting for someone to bring me my dreams is foreign to me. I ... well, I just Do Not Compute.
Women, are you waiting to be rescued, or are you ready to be your own hero?
Does your life depend on whether or not your prince arrives, or are you tackling the dragon all on your own?
I sure hope you are with me on this, ladies (gents too of course). Be your own hero - be the creator of your OWN kick-ass life.
Climb down your own damn hair, Rapunzel.
Kristi Shmyr,
Goal Ninja!
p.s. if you want help, not rescue, in creating the Kick Ass Life you Crave, join me for a free talk on how to do that, either this Thursday, Friday, or next Tuesday. Check out www.goalninjas.com/free-talks for more information.