haunted by your health?
does the future of your health scare you?
Thinking about how your current lifestyle is going to come back to haunt you?
Stop worrying. There are so many little things you can do to make a BIG difference to your health. Pick ONE per week and within 6 weeks you won't believe the difference.
- Get 6,000 IU of Vitamin D a day, 20 minutes in direct sunlight, or some fatty fish like salmon, trout or mackerel. It lowers your risk of diabetes, cancer and weight gain. Vitamin D goes very well with your Omega 3's, so take both for amazing brain, body and beauty benefits.
- Drink 2 glasses of warm water in the morning upon rising and sit on the pot regardless whether you feel "the need". This will train your digestion to work efficiently. Help things along by gently rubbing your belly (from rib-cage to below your belly button) in a clock-wise way.
- Sleep 7-9 hours a night. It is critical to your health, especially your immune system and your waist line. When you even have one night of less-than-optimal sleep, your hunger goes up, your ability to burn fat goes down, you store calories, and your immune system depresses. If just one night can compromise your health, what do you suppose a lifestyle of this can do?
- Cut your sugar (NOT your fat) consumption in half. Stop eating low-fat, because that simply means "we replaced the fat with sugar". Sugar lowers your immune system, depletes your body of important nutrients, messes with your ability to burn fat and lose weight, and causes you to CRAVE MORE SUGAR!
- Breath deeply, down to your belly, 10 times each day. This will increase your digestion, your energy and your beauty, not to mention it will help to alkalize your system so disease simply cannot thrive in your body! And, it is FREEEEEE (which means most of you won't do it ;)
- Replace your long cardio program with 10-20 minute sessions of All-Outs. This lowers your stress hormones, increases your ability to handle stress, increases your sexy, anti-aging Human Growth Hormone, and allows you to lose fat easier. To do this interval-type of exercise: Choose whatever form of cardio you like best (stairs, running, jump rope, biking, etc) and do it AS HARD AS YOU CAN (or go All Out) for 30-60 seconds. Recover at a slower pace for 60-120 minutes, then repeat. Do enough All-Outs to add up to 2-8 minutes (with the recovery stage, warm up and cool down, this cycle will take 10-30 minutes).
- Add 1 serving of raw vegetables to your diet. Vegetables like cauliflower and broccoli are especially amazing at fighting everything from cancer to obesity. Stick to low-glycemic veggies for the best result.s Start thinking of potatoes and corn as non-vegetables. Corn is a GRAIN (and a common allergen, as well as a heavily genetically-modified crop) and potatoes are just about as quick to turn into sugar as white bread. Limit them to 1 time a week, in a small serving.
The health industry can be a pretty intimidating place to watch from the outside. It often seems like the very same food we revered as a health food is vilified the following week. If this seems overwhelming to you, stick to the basics. The truth is, the best advice is often the free advice - drink water, breath deeply, chew your food, and exercise. And eat your vegetables!
Kristi Shmyr,
Prana Holistic